Photo: Skater Frank N Punk from South Sound Roller Derby


How’d you get your derby name?

Frank N Punk is a mix of my favorite things! Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is my favorite book in the whole world; I collect copies of the book (I have 27 unique copies of the book) and Frankenstein’s Monster memorabilia.


My favorite movie is the Rocky Horror Picture show. I go every year multiple times a year to different showings. So, the spelling of my name is derived from Dr. Frank N Furter.


The “Punk” part of the name was chosen because I have always loved punk music and the punk subculture. It is also an homage to my original derby name Punky Bruiser.


How long have you been playing roller derby?

I have been playing for about a year and a half. It’ll be two years in September of 2024 😊


What two things can you not live without?

My dog and my king sized bed!


What is a hobby of yours?

My main hobby is drawing, but I also like to sew! When I’m not doing those things, I am hanging out with my partner or sleeping! 😴


Favorite song of all time?

That is a hard question to answer as I listen to a ton of music. I’d have to say it’s a tie between “Short Skirt/Long Jacket” by Cake and “Fat Lip” by Sum 41. However, my favorite artist is Ezra Furman.


Pre/post bout snacks?

Pre bout – toaster waffles and peanut butter.
Post bout – whatever I can get my hands on!


Favorite thing about SSRD?

I love lots of things about SSRD. I mostly love the people that make up the team and the culture that we have worked to create. SSRD is truly AMAZING 🤩